Critical fluctuations in quantum parametric oscillation Paul Kinsler, Peter D. Drummond Department of Physics University of Queensland Queensland 4072 Australia Phys. Rev. A 52, 783 (1995). We calculate the scale of the critical fluctuations in the quantum parametric oscillator at threshold. This allows us to asymptotically calculate the size of both the depletion of the pump mode and the amount of squeezing produced in the signal mode for large system size. In this driven, open quantum system, there is no known solution to the equilibrium density matrix. For this reason these results cannot be obtained using standard canonical ensemble methods. The calculations are compared to time dependent quantum stochastic simulations of the fully nonlinear coupled mode equations. We find that the critical squeezing variance in the output spectrum will scale as $N^{-1/2}$, giving the novel feature that these fluctuations are reduced rather than enhanced near the critical point. Email: