(c) Dr Paul Kinsler.
[Acknowledgements & Feedback]
Dr. Paul Kinsler
Research Physicist
BSc, MSc(1st), PhD, CPhys, MinstP.
Metamaterials, nonlinear optics, semiconductor microstructures, quantum optics.
Member of the Institute of Physics.
Department of Physics,
Imperial College London,
Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BW, United Kingdom.
Optical Pulses;
Semiconductor Microstructures;
Quantum Optics;
Publications (direct);
Hypertext Physics project;
Biography/ Techniques/ Tools/ Merchandise/ Etc;
Contact Information;
me @ Imperial College
(master site);
me @ www.kinsler.org/physics
me @ Researcher ID;
me @ academia.edu;
IRC #physics channel page.
Good web sites support user feedback and discussion forums.
So if you have any questions, feel free to email me at
As for discussion forums, I'll just point out my favourite ones: firstly,
the sci.physics.* internet newsgroups (which naturally have a
FAQ file).
I read the newsgroups sci.physics.
Secondly, there is the real-time chat medium of IRC (channel
As a rule I check the RSS feeds from various
APS, AIP, IoP, and OSA journals,
also the arXiv.
If something catches my eye I might tag it
or even blog about it
at citeulike.
Causality editors and blowing bubbles in spacetime
(short intro)
The Maxwell's Fishpond: tabletop transformation aquatics in action! (short intro with video)(blog)
A straightforward treatment of causality in time and spacetime,
including the Kramers Kronig relations
The space-time cloak, aka the event cloak (chicken analogy)(blog)
Derived and compared four Poynting theorems (one of which is new)
Enhanced my EM pulse propagation methods by applying only minimal approximations
Proposed a new definition for the wavevector that behaves better under loss
Causality-based constraints on
negative refraction and perfect imaging.
Under (rather slow) construction.
My current area of interest is the propagation of few-cycle optical pulses.
Such ultrashort pulses
have applications in areas ranging from precision spectroscopy
(THz to VUV), optical atomic clocks, and fundamental tests of
physical theories.
Developed theory of propagation of directed EM fields, allowing
near-exact pulse envelope propagation;
Developed the most general form of standard envelope theory based on
the second order wave equation, for propagation of
(few-cycle) optical pulses;
Theory for ultra-wideband nonlinear optical processes (e.g.
parametric amplifiers, Raman).
Phase in Optical Pulses
Phase Retention in SPM Super-broadened Pulses;
CLEO 2006 abstract;
Phase sensitivity of perturbative nonlinear interaction;
Transverse Spatial Structures and OPCPA;
CLEO 2006 abstract; C. Tsangaris, P. Kinsler, G.H.C. New.
Carrier Shocking
"Optical Carrier Wave Shocking: A parameter space analysis of the interplay between instantaneous and delayed material response",
P. Kinsler, J.C.A. Tyrrell, S.B. Radnor, G.H.C. New, talk, ECLEO, Munich, June 2005;
"Optical Carrier Wave Shocking: A parameter space analysis of the interplay between instantaneous and delayed material response",
P. Kinsler, J.C.A. Tyrrell, S.B. Radnor, G.H.C. New, poster, CLEO, Baltimore, May 2005.
Directional pulse propagation
CLEO 2005 poster;
Theory of directional pulse propagation (paper);
Few-cycle pulses
- Phase and few-cycle pulses in nonlinear optics. CLEO 2004 poster
- Near-degenerate few-cycle optical pulses
ECLEO 2003 postdeadline talk:
abstract, slides;
- NLS Solitons and the Few-Cycle Regime.
BECQI 2003 talk: abstract
and slides;
- Spectral overlap and off-resonant polarization terms in
parametric interactions.
CLEO 2003 abstract;
- Few-Cycle Pulses in an Optical Parametric Oscillator.
Photon'02 talk: abstract
and slides (634k);
- Few-Cycle Pulses in an Optical Parametric Oscillator.
IQEC talk: abstract,
summary, and slides (620k);
- Anomalous Tuning Behaviour of a Synchronously Pumped OPO.
IQEC poster (1600k total);
- Theory of Few-Cycle Pulses in an Optical Parametric Oscillator.
CLEO abstract,
summary, and poster;
Ultra broadband Raman generation
Quantum structures in
semiconductor materials (ie. semiconductor microstructures).
typically between a nanometre and a micrometre in size.
They are made by processes similar to those used to make
integrated circuits (computer chips). The structures can
control where and how electrons and photons can move and
affect each other on a quantum level. In particular I
investigated the physics behind the future design of
solid state terahertz emitters.
Numerical verification of models of ionised impurity scattering in
Demonstration of role of non-thermal carrier distributions in
optically pumped quantum wells and hot-hole lasers, including the
role of Auger scattering events and layer phonon modes;
Motional narrowing in semiconductor
- Si(x)Ge(1-x): Bandstructure and the Hall effect.
- Optimised ionised impurity scattering algorithm
Inter-valence-band Hole Lasers
- Towards quantum well hot hole lasers.
ICPS-25 talk,
(postscript & gif 292K total);
- Hot-Hole Lasers in III-V Materials.
INTERACT Chateau de Bonas talk, (236K total);
Terahertz (far infrared) Emitters in AlGaAs
- Terahertz lasers using inter-subband transitions in quantum wells:
predictions from Monte Carlo simulation.
HCIS-11 1999 poster, (232K total);
- Non-equilibrium electrons in asymmetric quantum wells:
a Monte Carlo approach:
CMMP 1998 poster, (64K total);
- Terahertz lasers using inter-subband transitions in quantum wells:
ACOLS 1998 Seminar slides, (184K total);
- Inter-subband terahertz lasers using four-level
asymmetric quantum wells:
ICSMM-11 1998 Seminar slides, (152K total);
- Interface and Confined phonons in stepped quantum wells:
ICSMM-11/Phonons'98 1998 poster, (148K total);
- Interface and Confined phonons: informal
hyperlinked notes;
- Electron-electron scattering in asymmetric quantum well
inter-subband lasers (3 subband):
CMMP 1997 poster, (200K total);
Spectral and dynamics of exciton-polaritons
- Motional narrowing of Polaritons in Semiconductor Quantum Microcavities (IQEC 1996 slides, 134K total);
- Relaxation bottleneck of polaritons in semiconductor quantum microcavities(non-accepted IQEC 1996 abstract);
- Motional narrowing in semiconductor quantum microcavities (CMMP 1995 poster, PDF);
- Linewidth reduction of Polaritons (NATO ASI Cargese 1995 slides, 14K+PDF's);
Electron--Phonon Scattering(Sheffield, Leeds).
Quantum optics is the study of the interaction of light (the EM
field) with matter. It covers quantised light interacting with bulk
matter, semiclassical light interacting with quantised atoms,
and quantised light interacting with quantised matter. This is
the field which has given us lasers, optical solitons, squeezing,
and spawned quantum cryptography, quantum computers, and atom optics.
Found analytic solution for the above and below threshold parametric
oscillator, and subsequent demonstration of order of magnitude
differences between quantum and semiclassical tunnelling rates;
Found the first ever solution to a non-equilibrium quantum system at
threshold, with subsequent implications for the testing of quantum
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19980722 Author=P.Kinsler Created=1995